Is Bulk SMS ideal for your business?

BULK SMS is usually used to reach a wide or a specific audience for marketing reasons, with personalized SMS content.

You can use it to promote products, or inform customers about specific changes: e.g., a clothing store does a huge re-opening party with discounts, etc.

A great example of how you can use Bulk SMS for marketing purposes is HORISEN’s age marketing platform for mobile engagement via SMS. This tool is based on bulk SMS and is designed for retail customers who want to reach their customers or prospects with a large number of messages in no time. Retailers have the ability to schedule different marketing campaigns and events in the future. With a specific code or identifier within the message which an end customer has to use via different channels (website, Premium SMS), you can measure the results of your campaigns easily. Or you can use it to send specific messages to a certain audience: e.g., I have added my phone number to my Facebook profile, and now I get a confirmation message: e.g., “Your Facebook code is 12345”.

Both ways are called A2P Messaging in the telecommunication language. It means Application to Person and indicates that a software/server triggers the message and sends it to the subscriber.


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5 things why you should use SMS instead of other channels?

All mobile devices are capable of receiving an SMS, no matter if it is a smartphone or an old-school Nokia phone.

Reach the masses with personalized messages, e.g., WhatsApp has no API where you can send a bulk of messages. With Bulk SMS you have one API where you can easily connect and send customized messages no matter the volume.

Secure sending via signaling system (SS7). Or, why do banks send their transaction authentication number (TAN) messages via SMS?

Higher redemption rate than email. The latest Forester report says that SMS marketing redemption rates are 3-4 times higher than that of email marketing redemption rates.

Very high open rates. According to the Mobile Marketing Association France study, 90% of SMS is opened within 90 seconds.

Also, did you know that the average retail open rate for email marketing is just 22%, while the average open rate for SMS marketing is a staggering 99%? A report commissioned by SinglePoint even says that text message open rates have exceeded 99%! Sounds shocking, but it’s true.

One more thing. SMS marketing click-through rate is 36%. If compared to 2.9% email marketing CTR, it is more than clear which direct marketing channel works incomparably better for brands and retailers.

What is bulk texting? Is sending bulk text messages the best option?

If you want to increase your sales quickly, or inform an important campaign and election announcement as soon as possible, sending a mass advertising SMS will undoubtedly be one of your options. Too many text messages are sent to you and me every day, many people say that text messages do not work, so why not reduce the number of text messages? But in fact, if you try texting (principled) ads only once, you will be amazed at the results. On the other hand, the cost of sending bulk SMS is much lower compared to other methods, and it is also the best option for small businesses with low budgets and startups.


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How to send bulk SMS; How to send promotional SMS?

Some of our customers think that they have to go to the telecommunications or government counter to send bulk text messages. Many people even look for the telecommunication SMS panel on the Internet and think that telecommunications provide the SMS panel.

Let me reassure you that you do not need to go to the telecommunications and government counter office to send bulk SMS, and also you do not need telecommunication hardware or GSM MODEM to send bulk SMS. All you need to do is purchase an SMS panel to send bulk SMS.

Bulk SMS is the way of sending out promotional or transactional messages with higher quantities simultaneously. Every organization needs to spread various messages to their clients, and this service makes mass communication easier and more dynamic. The following method is a very practical way of reaching out to a group of people on any occasion, from urgent notifications to special offers.

For example, schools need messaging to give urgent notifications to their students, and those messages eventually reach their target. As well as SMS can be a great tool for state agencies to spread information efficiently.

Text messaging may be a necessity at any point in an organization’s activities. Therefore, it is essential to choose a reliable bulk SMS provider to assist your needs.


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Who Should Use Bulk SMS?

Bulk text messaging is an absolute necessity for any kind of business. Startups need it as an affordable tool to increase their brand awareness and generate leads. Correspondingly, progressive businesses can use the following channels to increase customer loyalty.

Bulk SMS for eCommerce

It is also crucial to implement a bulk message service for eCommerce businesses. Since they are web-based, they need it both for promotional and transactional purposes. Besides, they require phone numbers for registration, which gives them a huge database to conduct effective text campaigns such as sending out coupons, promotional messages, or personal offers.


Bulk SMS for Restaurants

SMS campaigns clearly help restaurants spread helpful information about their business. Making special offers an hour before lunchtime is very simple, yet this is a brilliant tactic. Of course, there are other occasions where texting is a perfect promotional tool. Just use it for various reminders and give quick support to your customers.


Bulk SMS for Finance and Insurance

Since mobile banking security service is based on text messaging, the need for bulk SMS is obligatory here. Besides this, banks can send out promotional messages to increase customer loyalty. Text messaging can be a great tool for insurance companies. Both banks and insurance companies have customer mobile numbers databases, and they can easily implement online bulk SMS services.


Send bulk SMS using SMS panel

SMS panel is internet and web-based software that provides you with the ability to send promotional SMS. You can send a large number of promotional SMS by purchasing an SMS panel. But this is not the only feature of the SMS panel. An SMS panel provides you with very attractive features, of which Ersa Mass Promotional SMS is just one of them. We have already talked in detail about the SMS panel in an article. If you would like to know more about the SMS panel, read the article What is the SMS panel?


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Where can I get a mobile number bank? Prerequisite for sending bulk SMS

Next, you need a list of mobile numbers to send bulk SMS. The list of country phone numbers is categorized in our store, if you want to send a message to people in the United States and their mobile prefix is + 121xxx (so-called code 1),

In fact, one of the most important features of our store is the updated list of mobile phone numbers based on gender that you can send to your audience via SMS. So to be able to send bulk text messages, you must first think about buying a list of mobile numbers.

What does Bulk SMS Mean?

Generally, bulk SMS is sending high volumes of SMS messages to a large number of recipients. The technical term for bulk SMS is “Application to Person SMS” or “A2P SMS.” That’s because it’s practically impossible for humans to send bulk SMS messages. So computers typically do the work.

The technical term, A2P SMS, is technically more correct because not all A2P messaging involves sending huge numbers of texts. For instance, offering customer service via text may not require sending thousands of messages to thousands of recipients. But it’s still application to person SMS since computers send a majority of the messages in text-based customer support. However, bulk SMS accurately describes the activity, in most cases. We’ll stick with that term to avoid confusion.


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Using Bulk SMS for Business

Bulk SMS is almost exclusively used by businesses. Individuals simply do not need to send so many messages. But what can businesses do with bulk SMS? Here are a few bulk SMS use cases to illustrate how bulk SMS can be deployed in your business.


SMS Marketing

SMS marketing is by far the most common bulk SMS use case. The goals of marketing are particularly well aligned with the benefits of SMS messaging. Most SMS messages get opened within 3 minutes. And, overall, SMS messages boast a 99% open rate. SMS engagement rates are incredible. Also, sending SMS messages is easy and affordable. There’s not a ton of logistics involved with writing and sending a text message. And bulk SMS service can cost less than a penny per message. Ultimately, it’s hard to beat the engagement rates and potential ROI of SMS marketing. So a lot of companies see a lot of success with SMS marketing.


Text-Based Ordering

Text messages are super easy to send, and almost anyone can receive them. Not everyone has a smartphone for online ordering. Therefore, accepting orders via text can be more convenient and usable by a greater number of your customers than online ordering. Additionally, as we’ve already mentioned, the cost of sending and receiving SMS messages is very low. The overhead involved with accepting orders through text is at least as low as taking orders online, if not lower. So text-based ordering is an outstanding way to offer remote ordering to your customers.


Text Alerts and Reminders

Sending alerts and reminders via email is good. But, given the incredible engagement rates of SMS, sending alerts and reminders through text is much more effective. Text alerts and reminders are also super cost-efficient, as they can cost less than a penny per text.


Login Authentication

2-factor authentication (2FA) is one of the most effective cybersecurity measures available right now. The cost of a data breach keeps going up as new laws are passed and data becomes more valuable. But text messages are inexpensive. So text-based two-factor authentication can be one of the most practical options if your business requires account logins.


Benefits of Messaging at Scale

Those are some of the specific use cases. However, there are fundamental benefits of sending SMS messages in bulk. Understanding these benefits is handy for finding creative ways to use bulk SMS messaging in your business:


Incredibly Broad Reach

There are about 14 billion mobile devices in the world. And there could be over 17 billion mobile devices in the world by 2024. Most of those are capable of receiving SMS messages. No matter who your customers are, it’s very likely that they can be reached with SMS messages. However, that huge number of people that can receive SMS messages means that you need the capacity to send a whole lot of SMS messages. So you need the ability to send messages at scale to really take advantage of this broad potential customer base.


Friendly Communication

One big advantage of SMS messaging is that it’s a 1-to-1 conversation. With just a little bit of personalization, an SMS exchange can feel like a friendly conversation. As a business, a friendly connection is just about the best connection you can make with a customer.


Easy Performance Tracking

Tracking performance is a cornerstone of any type of marketing. Social media advertising, email marketing, and SMS all have an advantage over traditional media in that performance tracking is so much more granular than something like TV advertising. With SMS, in particular, you can see open rates, click-through rates, and — of course — response rates. You may even be able to track other metrics, with the right tools. All that performance tracking enables you to really optimize your SMS campaigns and outreach to get the best results.


Receptive Customer Base

You must get permission from someone before you send them commercial SMS messages. On the surface, that might seem like an inconvenience. But it’s actually a good thing. This means that you can only send text messages to people who have clearly indicated that they want to hear from you. So you’re much more likely to get a positive response from your SMS messages.


Easy Integration

Using a computer to send SMS messages might seem scary. But it’s actually very easy. Modern SMS APIs make it simple to add SMS capabilities to the systems that you already use in your business. Most of the time, you don’t have to add anything new to your technology stack to integrate SMS.


Excellent Versatility

Most business activities boil down to communication, either communication with customers or internal communication between teams. And SMS text messaging is an incredibly convenient and effective communication medium. Anything that requires communication can most likely be improved by adding SMS. The benefits of bulk SMS make it hard to ignore. If you have a communication problem to solve, SMS messaging is likely a viable solution.


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